Tag Archives: javascript

Hide certain Lookup Values from appearing on New or Edit forms

I’ve recently had an issue where there are over 2,000 items in a lookup and trying to search for the one you want was a huge pain, the code below can find certain text in the lookup options and exclude these, doing so reduces the amount of values you see and more user friendly for the end users.

From the script below, ‘Electronic Device’ was my column name, which also was a required field. The term I was looking for was “OLD” (as old devices were no longer required and therefore flagged old).

Remember to download the JQuery CDN.

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://TENANT.sharepoint.com/sites/YourSharePointSiteCol/SiteAssets/CDN/jquery-3.3.1.min.js”></script>

$(“select[Title=’Electronic Device Required Field’]”).find(‘option:contains(“OLD”)’).remove();



Set Focus on Content on a SharePoint page

Within SharePoint there is a small button in the top right which focuses on the content. Basically it hides the top navigation and quick launch.

For my own purposes I required this to be the default as I was creating a display page. The following code below helped achieve this, it’s also worth noting that the Focus button can still be pressed if the user would like to view the navigation/quick launch.

The code below is not my own, this was through Technet forum replies.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
function pageLoad()
$(“#fullscreenmode”).css(“display”, “none”);
$(“#exitfullscreenmode”).css(“display”, “”);

Another way…

function HideBrandingsuite()
